About Nick


Hey, I’m Nick!

A little bit about me . . . well, I grew up Atheist. I never went to church except for funerals, and mostly ignored anything spiritual. Similar to how most of the world lives, I stayed busy and never really considered anything beyond the here and now. That isn’t to say I had no religion, or that my religion wasn’t carefully crafted to reflect what I wanted to reflect, just that I had never objectively looked at my work and thought about the hypocrisy of believing everyone except myself to be in the wrong in just about any matter.


I’ve always considered myself a manly-man. I’m built like an NFL linebacker, eat like a Nordic viking, and dress like a lumberjack on a budget. I enjoy sports, working with my hands, I like to shoot, cook and eat furry little forest animals. I always enjoyed the female form, I like technology, and find myself pretty good at anything I put my mind to. However, while I enjoyed those things, my talents (at the time I would not have considered them gifts or blessings) led me more towards the world of academia. I became an English teacher and took the first job offered to me in a small town.


I became a Christian at 25 years old, and have been a Christian for eight years now (For those interested in math, I’m 33 now). I taught as low as 6th grade to as high as graduating seniors. I taught math, social studies, reading and writing. I’ve coached football, basketball, and literally two days of track and field. Why only two days of track and field? Because I left the public school arena fairly suddenly, and found myself looking for a new career choice.


I am now the town librarian. God closed the chapter on the teaching part of my life and opened a much more rewarding opportunity. My wife and I have been married for eight years. We have three wonderful little children (although only one or two can be wonderful at any given time; I think it’s a rule they have). I have found opportunities to take up woodworking, wood burning, 3D printing, and writing. I’ve had time to finally get a Masters degree (in ministry), I’ve become an avid Board Gamer (@gameschoolingdad on Instagram), and, most importantly, I’ve had a chance to be a father and husband that I never would have had as a teacher.


I don’t know if there is anything you can learn from me; I don’t know if my experience, thoughts, or ideas are worth a hill of beans. But if I can help lead you to the Bible, point you to the cross, or just offer encouragement for what Christ can do with your life, then I hope my writing will help.


If God can take a screwup like me, open a world of opportunities, lay the world at my feet, and bless my life; than He can help anyone. I just want to join you as we sit back in awed amazement and watch God work.