• Christian Womanhood

    How A 10-Day Screen Free Challenge Can Help You

    Have you ever considered a screen free challenge? Maybe you desire your spouse or kids to step away from their screens long enough to look you in the eye? Perhaps you prefer to be more present in the moment rather than absorbed on a social media site? Let’s be honest. We all have days where we would like to take every electronic device we own and chuck them out the nearest window. Unfortunately, we all would be hunting for those same devices within five minutes because we need them. Recently my husband and I completed a 10-day screen free challenge together. Since our kids only get screen time by looking…

  • Ambitious Homemaking

    Does My Christian Home Have To Be Pinterest-Perfect?

      Have you seen all the gorgeous homes on Pinterest? They are picture-perfect! The decor draws your eye to gorgeous statement pieces without a kid’s toy to be seen. Stairways wind out of sight uncluttered by dirty laundry and dog hair. Bathrooms contain a whimsy that calls you to stop and rest in a lengthy bubble bath. Meanwhile my own bathroom makes me moan in frustration at how quickly it is filthy again! Laundry rooms on Pinterest make you consider the chore to be almost delightful. My laundry room often has sights and smells that just leave me nauseous. Pinterest-worthy kitchens have all matching appliances that you can assume work…