• Christian Manhood

    7 People Every New Christian Needs To Know About

      Who are some people that new Christians need to know about as they grow in their faith? Find out below! The hardest part of first becoming a Christian was being dropped into 2000+ years of history, handed a Bible, and then told the Bible is easy-to-understand and I should just get it . Yeah, I didn’t get it. I was led to Christ with an NIV Bible. Immediately afterwards, I was told that I should only be reading the KJV Bible. Like I even knew the difference! The first time I went to church, they excommunicated someone!  Soon after, I’m watching a TV show, sweating bullets, because the characters…

  • Ambitious Marriage

    Why We Need To Celebrate Christian Dads

      The Unsung Christian Hero: Dad! Yesterday, I had a emergency church board meeting that I had to attend. The topic of which was going to be a very challenging subject and one that no one was wanting to address. Since I am a part of the church board, it meant all the sudden my husband had to take on all the responsibilities of cleaning up the kids’ supper messes, bathing, jammies, story times, and tucking kids in by himself. This after he had been up since 5 that morning and done a full, long day of work. Normally, we do the bedtime routine together and it takes half the…