• Ambitious Homemaking

    How To Remove Spiritual Pollutants From Your Home

      Flies annoy me to no end. Ants are detestable. Spiders just disgust me. Mice are filthy varmints-let the cats eat them! Snakes make me want to leave this planet and never return. They all have one thing in common-none of these critters are allowed in my home! That is my rule. Unfortunately, these little critters don’t read my rule book. They come in my home anyway. (The nerve of them!) Which is why tomorrow the exterminator is coming to spray for the latest assault from our neighborhood ant community. After some extensive googling for kid-friendly options to keep the ants at bay, I couldn’t help but compare this scenario to…

  • Ambitious Faith,  Ambitious Thought Life

    Thought of the Week-July 7, 2017

    Yesterday, my 18 month old lost a button off the back of her shirt. I didn’t notice it missing until after lunch time. That left a whole six hour time frame of when she could have lost it! My Mommy alert kicked into high gear. This was a tiny, shiny red button. It was total choking hazard 101! After several deep breaths to keep myself from panicking, I started a thorough search of our house. As I searched it occurred to me that I had seen the button as I rubbed her back before nap time on the couch. Sure enough, underneath the couch cushions was a bright shiny red…