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    How To Pray For The Difficult People In Your Life

      Are there difficult people in your life who just makes everything miserable? Perhaps even the mention of their name gives you a tension headache? Maybe something happens to trigger a memory about what this person did. Instantly you are filled with anger and bitterness just as if it happened yesterday. Bitterness Is Planted Ten years ago, I was working at a local grocery store in town to pay my way through college. One day, due to a last-minute schedule change made my the head manager, I came in two hours later than the originally scheduled time. Unfortunately, the head manager that had made the change forgot to write it…

  • Uncategorized,  Wisdom Wednesday

    Wisdom Wednesday-Proverbs 31:30

    In case you have not heard the hype on the news and on social media sites, I figured I better let you know that today is International Women’s Day.  I don’t plan on touching on the politics of that issue today however I decided to focus my Wisdom Wednesday Proverb on well, a woman! Proverbs 31:30 declares, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Charm is deceitful. Have you ever been around that person that just is knocks-your-socks-off-nice to your face? I have and those people scare me to death! They have to be hiding something is usually my…

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    Welcome to Ambitions for Christ!

    Welcome to Ambitions for Christ! This blog has been on my heart for years now and with lots of encouragement from the Holy Spirit and my husband I am finally taking the leap to make it a real website! I had randomly blogged some in the past but the key word there was random. I used a quickie free site to unleash my thoughts on exactly no one for the most part. However, when I recently gave it a try again, people started stopping by and talking to me and starting conversations. Wow! So I decided to make the big scary step to a true website and blog. Why Ambitions…