Ambitious Motherhood

How to Write a Mommy Mission Statement

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How to Write a Mommy Mission Statement #intentionalparenting #Christianparenting #Christianmotherhood #momlife #mommy #missionstatement


Have you ever experienced a day like I had last week?

First, my 17 month old daughter woke up incredibly early-pre 5 a.m. early! This after the fact that our newborn son had been up all night with allergies leaving him incredibly fussy and miserable. My husband was tired and cranky and did not want to go to work that day. Our dog was barking to be let in or out every five minutes. To top it off, I had not had time to eat anything (okay, a piece of candy doesn’t count…) and I was definitely due for my next shower.

It just started out as a DAY. This Mommy was not wanting to “Mommy” that morning.

I don’t drink coffee, but mornings like that make me wonder if I should start. That particular day only went down hill. My husband got called into work early which meant an even longer day of parenting by myself. My daughter decided to test EVERY boundary and rule we have laid out for her so far (which seriously is NOT that many!) Just basic things like don’t eat your crayons and such. And our sweet, easy-going baby disappeared and a congested snot monster appeared to replace him.

Nothing I had planned to get done that day got done. In fact, less that nothing got done. The house looked like a bomb had gone off. I felt like a ticking time bomb. My patience was seriously on the low side. What is a mommy to do?

Days Like This Make Me…

Well, those challenging days are exactly the kind of day that made me decide to create a Mommy Mission Statement.

For those days when I need God’s Truth to overpower the crazy emotions and hormones that threaten to control me.

For those days when I need a reminder and a clear vision for my life as a mom even when I do NOT feel like being a mom anymore!

It’s so easy to have some vague idea of what I want to do and be as a mom to my kids. However, a vague sentiment in mind quickly goes away in the hustle of life. That’s why I wanted to write down my Mommy Mission Statement. I needed something in writing that I could mull over and re-read. Some basic truth to help keep me going in a healthy positive direction as a Christian Mommy.

How to Write a Mommy Mission Statement

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How To Write A Mommy Mission Statement

So, here are the steps I took to write my Mommy Mission Statement:

Step One: Brainstorm.

This step is fun! Just think of every single thing-no matter how crazy!-that you might want to accomplish in your time as a mommy to your child. Gardening? Reading at an early age? Playing the oboe? Skydiving? Traveling to Iceland together?

Whatever goal or idea you have in mind, write it down. This step is simply about getting everything in your head down on paper. If you want, you can do this with your husband so you can talk about dual goals as well but focus mainly on things you want to accomplish as the mother.


Step Two: Narrow It Down.

Walk away for a while. Later come back to review your brainstorm list.

See if you find some key themes woven throughout the different items listed. Perhaps you mentioned traveling to several different locations. That could mean that you highly value giving your child the experience of seeing and learning from new cultures. Or maybe you mentioned that you want your child to serve meals at homeless shelters, cheerfully mow widow’s lawns for free, and clean up after church dinners for hosting missionaries. That could show you want to teach your child the value of being a servant.

Whatever it is, find some focus points from all the items mentioned during the brainstorm stage.


Step Three: Pick Three to Four Key Focus Points.

This is hard. You have seen several key themes. Now pick only three or four of these focus points (at most!) to include in your Mommy Mission Statement.

Pray and ask God which goals He wants you to have. Read the Bible and see if these goals align with Scripture. Talk with your spouse to see if they agree that these goals are best for you and your children.

Basically, get some feedback and get selective!


Step Four: Write It Down!

Create your mission statement. Here is an example:

My main mission as a Mother is to instill in my child a love of God, the desire to be a life-long learner, to cultivate a kind and giving heart and to appreciate music through the learning of at least one instrument.

Below your mission statement write down one big goal for the year for each of those areas. For instance, if your goal is a cultivate a kind and giving heart, you may want to involve your family in at least one big volunteer project a month.

Underneath each of these big goals write down how you will fulfill that goal on a monthly or weekly basis to reach your desired potential. For the above example, it could mean calling ahead to schedule time slots at food banks, picking up brochures of information on packing Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes or signing up for a summer mission program.

The best part of this step was knowing that if I said yes to these main goals, I could say No to activities that did not line up with them as well which frees us up as a family so much! 🙂


Step Five: Pray and Trust God!

As with every other area of parenting, the most important part is surrendering your efforts of raising your kids back over to God. As much as we like to think we are in control, we are not. God is.

God is the only one who can truly cause fruitful, faithful results in our children’s hearts.

More than anything else, pour prayer over each of your children’s lives and hearts. Do your best as their mommy but surrender the results back to God. And enjoy this time of being their mommy-even if it does mean some pretty crazy days!

Other Resources To Consider

Becoming MomStrong

Join Heidi St. John, mom of seven, as she disciples you through the process of continued growth as a Christian mom. Practical encouragement for moms in all stages of life. Great to read if you need ideas for your brainstorm sessions!

The Power of a Praying® Mom

Read this book to help you stay focused on surrendering your kids back to God.

A Mom After God’s Own Heart

Discover Biblical principles that can shape your parenting years in a way that glorifies God and edifies your kids.


Your Turn

How about you?

What would you consider including in your Mommy Mission Statement?

How are working towards intentionally parenting your children? I would love to hear about it in the comments!


Thanks for stopping by!


How to Write a Mommy Mission Statement
How to Write a Mommy Mission Statement

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  • Joni

    I just want to say how grateful I am that my friend introduced me to your blog. This post speaks right into my heart. Today was one of THOSE days like you described, and having a clear mission statement reminding me of what God wants for me to be for my children would be such a help to not get lost in the mess. Thank you for your vulnerability and sharing your process! I’ll be developing my mission statement very soon! Praying for you and your ministry too!

    • Amber

      Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing these kind words! They made my day! 🙂

      Praying that tomorrow will be an easier day for you too! 🙂

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