• Ambitious Faith,  Ambitious Thought Life

    Thought of the Week-July 7, 2017

    Yesterday, my 18 month old lost a button off the back of her shirt. I didn’t notice it missing until after lunch time. That left a whole six hour time frame of when she could have lost it! My Mommy alert kicked into high gear. This was a tiny, shiny red button. It was total choking hazard 101! After several deep breaths to keep myself from panicking, I started a thorough search of our house. As I searched it occurred to me that I had seen the button as I rubbed her back before nap time on the couch. Sure enough, underneath the couch cushions was a bright shiny red…

  • Wisdom Wednesday

    Wisdom Wednesday-Resting in God’s Wisdom

    Resting. How many of us want to rest? Especially as a busy wife and mother, I can say that the idea of resting sounds fantastic some days. Okay, everyday. What picture comes to mind when you think of resting? Maybe you picture yourself passed out drooling on your pillow and ugly snoring? (Do not say that I am the only that does that!?) Do you picture yourself relaxing in a tub full of bubbles with candles and soft music and no interruptions? Perhaps you picture yourself sitting on your couch on a cool rainy day reading a favorite book quietly? Whatever picture comes to mind for you, it is safe to say…

  • Ambitious Motherhood

    5 Reasons Why I Am Writing a Mommy Mission Statement

      In case no one has informed you, there are days when being a mommy is a hard, confusing job. Being a mommy is hard even in the best of conditions. You know, like when you are fully rested, showered and have eaten something “real” in the past six to eight hours. Let’s NOT talk about how hard it can be to be a mommy when those elements are missing. Like when your kid is teething or sleep deprived or just plain cranky-for-no-apparent-reason-so-let’s-hang-on-Mom-and-scream-about-it. As a mom, we feel pressure to make sure so many things are “right” for our kids. It’s natural to want to be the best we can…

  • Ambitious Homemaking

    Why We Ditched the TV in Our Main Living Areas (It’s Not Why You Think!)

      Habits are crazy things. I don’t even think about how I brush my hair the same exact way every day or how I wash dishes. It is just something I do mechanically on autopilot. I know what I am doing, I have my routine, and I can just do it. Pretty much no thought or effort required. Routine Frustrations Habits are hard things too. They can be something good or something bad. For instance, my husband and I have a really bad habit of munching on food all evening long if it is reasonably easy to reach. So if we sit in a place where food is easy to access,…

  • Ambitious Marriage

    How Fantasy Football Helped Me Grow Closer to My Husband

    *This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through these links. You can read our disclosure policy here. Thanks for your support of this ministry!*   What’s Football? Before marrying my husband, I could count the number of times I had watched football on one hand. And those times involved Super Bowl parties with great food and lots of friends to distract me from the mundane activity of actually watching the game. Then I met my husband Nick. He watched football, talked football, played football, coached football. You get the idea. If a football was involved, he was interested. I can safely say…

  • Ambitious Faith

    4 Ways to Pray for Your Unsaved Family Members

      Family reunions. Those words can strike terror in the hearts of anyone because let’s face it, family can lead to messy relationships even in the best of situations. Where else do you get to encounter people who have so much in common with you, are permanently connected to you through blood or marriage, and who can so thoroughly drive you crazy at the same time? This intense family dynamic can be intensified greatly when you add the factor of your Christian faith into the mix. Perhaps you have been blessed with a close and extended family who are for the most part believers. Wonderful! That makes those relationships something…

  • Ambitious Thought Life,  Current Reads

    Current Reads-You Lost Me

    Six kids regularly attended Sunday School with me at our small country church. Of those six, I am the only one who still attends church. We host a Vacation Bible School each year to reach out to kids within the community. Our average number of attendees has been about 60 kids. Of those who have regularly attended each VBS program when they were of the age to, only about 5 still attend a church regularly. There are at least 15 solid, Bible-believing, active churches within our county that has a population of over 7,000 people. (I live in a very rural area of America-I know!) Each of these churches has similar…

  • Uncategorized,  Wisdom Wednesday

    Wisdom Wednesday-Proverbs 31:30

    In case you have not heard the hype on the news and on social media sites, I figured I better let you know that today is International Women’s Day.  I don’t plan on touching on the politics of that issue today however I decided to focus my Wisdom Wednesday Proverb on well, a woman! Proverbs 31:30 declares, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Charm is deceitful. Have you ever been around that person that just is knocks-your-socks-off-nice to your face? I have and those people scare me to death! They have to be hiding something is usually my…

  • Uncategorized

    Welcome to Ambitions for Christ!

    Welcome to Ambitions for Christ! This blog has been on my heart for years now and with lots of encouragement from the Holy Spirit and my husband I am finally taking the leap to make it a real website! I had randomly blogged some in the past but the key word there was random. I used a quickie free site to unleash my thoughts on exactly no one for the most part. However, when I recently gave it a try again, people started stopping by and talking to me and starting conversations. Wow! So I decided to make the big scary step to a true website and blog. Why Ambitions…