• Ambitious Marriage

    Why We Need To Celebrate Christian Dads

      The Unsung Christian Hero: Dad! Yesterday, I had a emergency church board meeting that I had to attend. The topic of which was going to be a very challenging subject and one that no one was wanting to address. Since I am a part of the church board, it meant all the sudden my husband had to take on all the responsibilities of cleaning up the kids’ supper messes, bathing, jammies, story times, and tucking kids in by himself. This after he had been up since 5 that morning and done a full, long day of work. Normally, we do the bedtime routine together and it takes half the…

  • Ambitious Marriage

    Gift Ideas For The Christian Dad (That He Actually Wants!)

      My hubby makes it possible for me to stay home full time with our two kids. We are planning to homeschool our kids because he makes that a priority. Plus, he sets aside time every evening to let me enjoy peace and quiet and to work on my blog (which is a HUGE sanity saver for this SAHM!) Plus, he has taken the initiative to read to our kids and lead a quick family devotion every night. He is constantly finding little ways to show us how much he loves us and thinks of us during his day at work. Let me tell you, I have a keeper! 😉…