• Christian Parenting,  Homeschooling

    Generations Homeschool Curriculum Review

    If you are like my homeschool family, we enjoy trying new curriculum as we decide what works for each child. Two years ago, we discovered the Generations homeschool curriculum while attending our state homeschool conference. As our kids are leaving their toddler years rapidly, we have been experimenting with what works for each child’s different learning preferences. One curriculum that has stood out to us and modeled the values of our family is the Generations homeschool curriculum.   Use What Works Quick side note to say that I am an affiliate to Generations homeschool curriculum right now but I would be willing to recommend these resources even if I was…

  • Christian Manhood,  Christian Parenting,  Homeschooling

    So It Come To This: Your Wife Wants To Homeschool

      You are reading this for one reason: your wife wants to homeschool. A few questions that might be going through your mind right now include: Does she know the kids will never be socialized? Has she realized it will cut your family budget in half? Did it occur to her that Christians need to be in the world? What will happen if our kids are not with their peers? Don’t kids need to hear other kids ask questions to help them learn? Will your kids ever get time away from the house (and you?) Won’t the kids being around all the time drive your wife crazy? How will your…

  • Ambitious Motherhood

    Encouraging Bible Verses For The First-Year Homeschool Mom

    *This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through these links. You can read our disclosure policy here. Thanks for your support of this ministry!*   This fall marks the beginning of a new season of life here in our home. In a few short weeks, we will be beginning to homeschool preschool with our oldest child. Honestly, I have no idea how it snuck up on me so quickly! When did she grow up so much? Why is she asking to read letters so often? Where did my baby girl go? Cue a few mama tears… However, I am so excited…