• Ambitious Faith

    Set Your Spiritual Goals Workbook

      Have you ever found yourself struggling to stay focused on an aspect of your Christian walk? Perhaps you have seen other believers who eagerly study the Word of God while you fall asleep three sentences into your daily reading because you always forget to get it done until right at bedtime? Maybe you want to make praying for your marriage a habit but weeks will go by with only mumbled, half-focused attempts until you just give up…again. Ugh… You see other parents who have raised amazing Godly children and you wonder how that is possible because you can’t even remember to read a daily devotional page with your kids! If…

  • Ambitious Faith

    How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman

      Deciding what spiritual goals to set can be exciting but it can also be a bit overwhelming. There are so many goals we can choose from! For some who are overwhelmed by the decision of what spiritual goals to set, they might just give up before they even start because narrowing down their options feel like too much! For others, they might decide what spiritual goals to set but they pick so many that eventually all are given up due to too much upkeep. Let’s look at simple ways to help us avoid these pitfalls in deciding what spiritual goals to set! (Also, stay tuned for the FREE workbook…