Ambitious Faith

How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman

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How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman #spiritualgoals #goals #newyearsresolutions #Christianliving #Christianwomanhood


Deciding what spiritual goals to set can be exciting but it can also be a bit overwhelming. There are so many goals we can choose from!

For some who are overwhelmed by the decision of what spiritual goals to set, they might just give up before they even start because narrowing down their options feel like too much!

For others, they might decide what spiritual goals to set but they pick so many that eventually all are given up due to too much upkeep.

Let’s look at simple ways to help us avoid these pitfalls in deciding what spiritual goals to set!

(Also, stay tuned for the FREE workbook to help you set and track your spiritual goals year round!)



How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman #spiritualgoals #goals #newyearsresolutions #Christianliving #Christianwomanhood

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How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman

There are numerous goals we can set as Christian women. It can be hard to narrow that down. Here are some qualities to look for in a spiritual goal that is worth keeping up!


Biblically Based Goals

Don’t bother setting a spiritual goal if there is not a biblical basis for it. Find actions that are directly commanded from the Bible and start there.

When you are considering your goals, check to see if you can find Bible verses or passages that reflect God’s commands to believers. If there is a Biblical precedence for it, then you can proceed with a solid foundation of God’s Truth to sustain you as you live out your spiritual goal.


Prayed Over Goals

Just because it is in the Bible or another Christian woman is setting a goal doesn’t mean that is the one God wants you to set.

To continue to narrow down your options of which spiritual goals to set for your life, seek God in prayer.

Pray and pray again for wisdom from God to discern which goals would honor Him in your life. Seriously, just because it is a good goal does not mean that it is a goal that God has in mind for you! Seek Him for leading in this decision.


Actionable Goals

Set goals that actually have actions with them. Of course, this might seem obvious but there is more than just a basic action. There is a specific daily action.

Instead of saying, “I hope to make a difference in an overseas mission” try another approach. Set a goal of daily praying for missionaries while you make your morning cup of coffee at home instead of buying it. Then, at the end of each month, take the money you saved from not buying your Starbucks coffee and donate it the mission God is leading you towards.

See how this goal has a daily action that is also linked to truly making a difference to some mission group that you desire to support? Not only are you supporting them financially, you are now uplifting them in prayer. Also, this small act of sacrifice will keep you mindful of your own blessings and make you more aware of the needs missionaries face throughout the entire course of their year.

Make sure there is action behind your spiritual goals or they won’t require a sacrifice which leads to growth.


Measurable Goals

When deciding which spiritual goals to set, make sure that you can measure how well you are at successfully completing your goal. Set goals that have logical actions to make them possible.

For instance, skip on the temptation to set a goal of reading the Bible more this year. There is no clear way for you to measure your success or failure in completing such a goal.

Instead, set a goal to read a chapter a day from the New Testament. By the end of the year, you will easily be able to see if that goal has been completed.

Measurable goals help us track where we have been and where we are going. Also, as we measure our success, we are more likely to stay on track.


Attainable Goals

Take into account the season of life you are currently living through. Most young moms, I know are not able to devote an hour to quiet prayer and Bible reading. But they can set aside 10 minutes a day to read a quick passage that comes automatically emailed to them.

Make sure the goals you set are realistic for your daily life. While goals are meant to stretch us, they can’t do that if they are unmanageable.


Powerful Goals

God does not give us a spirit of timidity.

Fear should not be what motivates us to set a goal to change our spiritual lives. Before you set any spiritual goals, realize that God will not love you more or less for completing a goal. Your faith is not based on your actions but on Christ’s death and resurrection.

Our spiritual goals must grow from a realization of who we are in Christ. We are here to honor and glorify Him. He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us face the temptations and trials of this world. Along the way, the Holy Spirit will help train and guide us as we grow in our relationship with God.

Instead of setting a goal of reading the Bible to our kids every day because we fear the world they live in. Let’s set a goal to help our kids discover the joy of growing in a solid relationship with God. Recognize that the power behind our spiritual goals comes from God, not our weaknesses or fears.


Exciting Goals

Let’s be honest. I don’t set New Years Resolutions about folding my socks in a more timely fashion. Goals like that aren’t exciting which means I most likely am not going to stick with them.

What is an area of your Christian walk that does excite or interest you but you know definitely needs some more attention? Make goals that will align with some of your natural needs and interests. It is so much easier to stay motivated over the long haul when you are excited about the outcome of your goal.

In my case, I have always wanted to do more in depth verse by verse Bible study of specific books of the Bible. So rather than reading large portions of Scripture, I stepped back and wrote one verse a day from my chosen book of the Bible at the time. Then, as time permitted, I would look up cross references, make notes about the culture surrounding the book’s timeline and author and more. It has been an exhilarating and exciting new way for me to study my Bible.

Pick what excites you. God gives you these interests for a reason!


Narrow Down Your Final Options

Finally, pick ONLY three to four of your goals to complete. If you think you will struggle with even maintaining that many, stop and pick only one or two. It is better to see growth and take steps to bigger goals in the future then to get frustrated and complete no goals at all!


If you are feeling a little overwhelmed by it all yet, please take a few minutes to sign up for the Ambitions for Christ weekly newsletter. When you do, you will receive a FREE printable workbook that is designed to walk you through the steps of setting your spiritual goals. It’s awesome, simple-to-use, and free. 🙂



Your Turn

What helps you to narrow down your options when setting your spiritual goals?

Please take a few minutes and share your spiritual goals in the comments below!

Thanks for stopping by!


Also, if you are interested in reading more about setting spiritual goals, be sure to check out these posts too!

Why Christian Women Should Be Setting Spiritual Goals #spiritualgoals #Christiangoals #Christianliving #goals #Christianwomanhood #Christianfaith

Why Christian Women Should Be Setting Goals


Don’t forget to sign up for the free printable Set Your Spiritual Goals Workbook below!


How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman #spiritualgoals #goals #newyearsresolutions #Christianliving #Christianwomanhood
How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman #spiritualgoals #goals #newyearsresolutions #Christianliving #Christianwomanhood


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  • Hummingbird hover

    Just found this article and it is a amazing method to draw closer to God.

    My goal is to develop characteristics of godly people, using Psalm 37 (NLT) as a guide line.

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