• Ambitious Faith

    Prayers to Pray in Every Room of Your Home

    Do you hear stories of mothers who are prayer warriors for their children, their husband, their friends, and their church families? Ever feel like you fall short in that area? I know this is true for me! Prayer Warrior-In-Training It is really hard to sit down for a time of focused prayer when two little kids want my attention. If the kids are sleeping, I must admit that my prayer times often turn to nap times if I sit still for 30 seconds or so. Plus, my mind wanders to things I should be doing and I get distracted from actually praying. Honestly, my biggest problem, I just simply forget…

  • Wisdom Wednesday

    Wisdom Wednesday-Resting in God’s Wisdom

    Resting. How many of us want to rest? Especially as a busy wife and mother, I can say that the idea of resting sounds fantastic some days. Okay, everyday. What picture comes to mind when you think of resting? Maybe you picture yourself passed out drooling on your pillow and ugly snoring? (Do not say that I am the only that does that!?) Do you picture yourself relaxing in a tub full of bubbles with candles and soft music and no interruptions? Perhaps you picture yourself sitting on your couch on a cool rainy day reading a favorite book quietly? Whatever picture comes to mind for you, it is safe to say…

  • Ambitious Faith

    4 Ways to Pray for Your Unsaved Family Members

      Family reunions. Those words can strike terror in the hearts of anyone because let’s face it, family can lead to messy relationships even in the best of situations. Where else do you get to encounter people who have so much in common with you, are permanently connected to you through blood or marriage, and who can so thoroughly drive you crazy at the same time? This intense family dynamic can be intensified greatly when you add the factor of your Christian faith into the mix. Perhaps you have been blessed with a close and extended family who are for the most part believers. Wonderful! That makes those relationships something…

  • Uncategorized,  Wisdom Wednesday

    Wisdom Wednesday-Proverbs 31:30

    In case you have not heard the hype on the news and on social media sites, I figured I better let you know that today is International Women’s Day.  I don’t plan on touching on the politics of that issue today however I decided to focus my Wisdom Wednesday Proverb on well, a woman! Proverbs 31:30 declares, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Charm is deceitful. Have you ever been around that person that just is knocks-your-socks-off-nice to your face? I have and those people scare me to death! They have to be hiding something is usually my…