Ambitious Faith

Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions For Your Family

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Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions For Your Family #Christmastraditions #Christmastime #ChristianFamily #ChristcenteredChristmas #ChristianLiving

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Growing up, I think I took Christmas traditions for granted. Especially the Christ-centered Christmas traditions that I know my parents took great effort to create year after year.

Now that I have kids of my own, I find myself shocked at how Santa-saturated every family Christmas activity is! At a local Old-Fashioned Christmas at the Museum last year, kids found hidden ornaments, listened to Mrs. Claus read and talk to Santa Claus. Never a nod was made towards Jesus, ever, not even a simple Nativity scene!

Even within the local churches, some have started offering the kids a chance to met Santa after their Christmas programs. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that they are trying to draw people in too. But I am definitely weary of Santa-everything.

The world has so many ways that it seeks to draw my children’s attention away from Jesus and His love for them. And I must admit that come Christmas time, I might get even a little bit more frustrated.

All this Santa-centric, gift giving uproar leaves me extremely frustrated as a mom looking to train my children about the real reason for the Christmas season: Jesus!

Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions For Your Family #Christmastraditions #Christmastime #ChristianFamily #ChristcenteredChristmas #ChristianLiving

Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions For Your Family

Frustration about how the world celebrates Christmas can lead to two different reactions. Reluctant, exhausted acceptance or intentional creative celebrations.

As a mom, I will admit that often I fall into the exhausted acceptance. Especially when I have no idea where to begin or what to do.

This past year, my husband and I started brainstorming. We are now planning creative ways that we can be intentional in creating Christ-centered Christmas traditions for our family.

While these ideas might not be new, it is the intentional actions behind the traditions. I truly believe that we can glorify God even in our traditions as a family!


Christmas Caroling

Okay, this first one is actually a hold-over of a Christmas tradition that my family and I did together every year with our church.

Once I was married, I dragged my husband (and eventually our kids) along for the fun! 🙂 Now they probably love this tradition as much, if not more, than me.

Every year, our church would set aside a special time to go visit the shut-in members of our church. We would break out the special Christmas Caroling songbooks and just make a joyful noise. (Actually, when you are crowded around the door of an old farmstead singing in the cold night air, you would be amazed how good some amateur singers can sound!)

While groups everywhere do go Christmas caroling, I believe families can turn this in a very Christ-centered Christmas tradition. For starters, sing the Christmas carols that focus on Christ. Even many Christians will find themselves pleasantly surprised by how many Christmas carols there are that make no reference to Santa.

Next, pray and find ways to share God’s love with those you carol to. Perhaps it can be a short Christmas devotional like these provided by CTA, Inc.  Maybe you can even say a prayer with those you carol to before you leave.

If you are a music-loving family or just want to spread Christ’s love through song, this is a great Christmas tradition to start with your family this year.


Shepherd On The Search

Perhaps you have heard of this phenomenon called Elf on the Shelf. In the past few years, Pinterest has been flooded with ideas of the hundreds of ways you can hide a little elf for your child to find each day leading up to Christmas.

I love the general idea of spending a few specific minutes of each day in December getting excited for the Christmas season with your kids. However,  I was frustrated by the idea of using an Elf. Especially since the Elf is usually meant to remind your kids to be good so that Santa can bring presents to them at Christmas. Yay! More focus on Santa and getting presents…

Well, just a few days after Christmas last year, I stumbled across this amazing little product called Shepherd on the Search. Basically, it is an adorable little kit that gives your kids a Shepherd doll that your kids can name. Also included in the kit I found were Christ-centered activities to follow each day.

This year will be the first year we do this together as a family and I must admit that I am super excited to start this Christ-centered Christmas tradition with my kids!


Advent Calendar

Okay, you can buy advent calendars and find countdown calendars everywhere. Some might be more Christ-centered however many are just a countdown to Christmas.

One I specifically remember from my child hood was simple a door you opened that let you eat a piece of chocolate each day as you counted down. My sweet tooth loved that calendar but it definitely did not do anything to point me towards Christ!

Instead, take time to find or make a Christ-centered Advent calendar.

Last year, we purchased this non-breakable Nativity Set. I put each separate piece on the tree in a little bag along with a Scripture reading about Christmas. Our toddler-aged daughter could hardly wait for us to get out of bed each morning before she was pestering us to open the next bag. Despite the fact that she was barely two, she could accurately remember the Christmas story and retell it just by looking at those Nativity pieces.

It really doesn’t have to be over the top or elaborate to be a great Advent calendar. Find something simple and craft it to work for your family.

Another amazing Advent calendar option for kids that I have heard some rave reviews on is the Star From Afar The Christmas Advent Calendar. Basically, you hide the Star each day and your kids find it and move the Wise Men to the Star. Each day they get closer to the Manger Scene. Personally, I think this one might be a cool option that could kind of tie an Elf on the Shelf aspect into an actual Advent Calendar!


Christmas Quiet Giving

When Jesus came to earth, He came quietly and as a humble baby. With the exception of a few people, no one even knew there was anything different about that baby in the manger.

Use this Christmas season to start a new Christmas tradition of quiet giving. Bake some homemade goodies. Perhaps even pack an entire Christmas dinner. Leave them for a family in need. Seek out ways that you can give of yourself this season without being seen or noticed.

Kids love the joy of giving to others if we set that example for them. Let’s find ways to quietly bless those who might need a helping hand this year!


Christmas Bedtime Stories

Finally, this is one of the coolest ideas for Christmas that I stumbled across on Pinterest. Wrap a book for each night leading up to Christmas. However, instead of having books that are about Santa Claus or other aspects of Christmas, do a diligent search to find books that focus on Jesus.

Not only will your kids get the thrill of opening a present each night leading up to Christmas, they will be rewarded with knowing more about the true reason for Christmas.

Okay, and I know how challenging it might seem to find good Christmas books that are Christ-centered so here is a list to help get you started!


Your Turn

What special Christmas traditions does your family have?

Have you found special ways to incorporate the celebration of Christ’s birth into the activities you do during the Christmas season?

Please take a few minutes and share your ideas and suggestions down in the comments so we can all gather more ideas on how to create some new Christ-centered Christmas traditions!

Thanks for stopping by! (And Merry Christmas!)  🙂

Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions For Your Family #Christmastraditions #Christmastime #ChristianFamily #ChristcenteredChristmas #ChristianLiving
Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions For Your Family #Christmastraditions #Christmastime #ChristianFamily #ChristcenteredChristmas #ChristianLiving


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  • Jenny Yahn

    Amber, I love all of your ideas! We do many of these in our home as well. Another suggestion is the Light ‘Em Up program, which is based on the idea of being the Light of Christ by completing random acts of kindness. They have all sorts of great ideas and printables. I bet your family would enjoy it too. Love your blog! 🙂

    • Amber

      Jenny, thanks for the suggestion! That sounds amazing. Definitely going to be checking that out!
      Thank you so much for stopping by the blog! 🙂

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