• Ambitious Motherhood

    The Ultimate Guide of Christian Gift Ideas For Toddler Girls

      Do you find yourself stumbling over the mountain of stuffed animals your sweet toddler daughter has managed to accumulate in her short life span? Or perhaps you find yourself frustrated with how quickly toys break or loose their appeal after being given? Honestly, as a Christian mom, are you disgusted with the message that some toys are sending to your daughter? And, speaking as a book lover who loves to give books to my kids, I am shocked at the amount of vigilance necessary to find books that present a Godly, Christian worldview (i.e., skipping the millions of years talk, what about when someone has two mommies or daddies,…

  • Ambitious Motherhood

    Four Christian Thanksgiving Activities for Toddlers

      Ever since I can remember, I have loved Thanksgiving! Perhaps some of my childish delight was due to the fact that my birthday occasionally happens to fall on the actual holiday. However, even as I have grown older (and a little less birthday obsessed) I find the season surrounding Thanksgiving to be magical! Now that I am a mom, I couldn’t wait to find ways to share this wonderful season  with my kids, especially as my oldest is now entering the curiosity, question-filled stages of toddler hood. Below are some ways that we can use this season to teach the sweet (and sometimes terror-like) toddlers in our home how…

  • Ambitious Motherhood

    5 Verses For The Discouraged Christian Mom

      What discouraged Christian mom hasn’t had days where she just wants to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over her head? Motherhood is a biggest job you as a female will ever undertake. It is a life long commitment to love and guide and train and care for another human being! That is HUGE! With great responsibility comes lots of work. Work is a good thing but it can become exhausting and soul crushing if we let it. Especially for Christian moms who are trying to live up to their own expectations as well as the expectations of others within their family, school, and church communities. Today…

  • Ambitious Faith

    Prayers to Pray in Every Room of Your Home

    Do you hear stories of mothers who are prayer warriors for their children, their husband, their friends, and their church families? Ever feel like you fall short in that area? I know this is true for me! Prayer Warrior-In-Training It is really hard to sit down for a time of focused prayer when two little kids want my attention. If the kids are sleeping, I must admit that my prayer times often turn to nap times if I sit still for 30 seconds or so. Plus, my mind wanders to things I should be doing and I get distracted from actually praying. Honestly, my biggest problem, I just simply forget…

  • Ambitious Motherhood

    How to Write a Mommy Mission Statement

      Have you ever experienced a day like I had last week? First, my 17 month old daughter woke up incredibly early-pre 5 a.m. early! This after the fact that our newborn son had been up all night with allergies leaving him incredibly fussy and miserable. My husband was tired and cranky and did not want to go to work that day. Our dog was barking to be let in or out every five minutes. To top it off, I had not had time to eat anything (okay, a piece of candy doesn’t count…) and I was definitely due for my next shower. It just started out as a DAY.…

  • Ambitious Marriage

    Five Ways to Honor the Father of Your Young Children

       “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12   Why You Need To Honor The Father Of Your Young Kids Fathers are missing from the picture way too often in today’s world. There is study after study showing how the absence of a father leaves a hole in his children’s lives forever. So for the dads who decide to play the God-designed role in their child’s life, it is important that they are honored for that decision. Personally, I find this especially true if you are married to a man who is helping…

  • Ambitious Motherhood

    5 Reasons Why I Am Writing a Mommy Mission Statement

      In case no one has informed you, there are days when being a mommy is a hard, confusing job. Being a mommy is hard even in the best of conditions. You know, like when you are fully rested, showered and have eaten something “real” in the past six to eight hours. Let’s NOT talk about how hard it can be to be a mommy when those elements are missing. Like when your kid is teething or sleep deprived or just plain cranky-for-no-apparent-reason-so-let’s-hang-on-Mom-and-scream-about-it. As a mom, we feel pressure to make sure so many things are “right” for our kids. It’s natural to want to be the best we can…